
" the brave incident of South China" interests rich Yi and morals tell to beg

" the brave incident

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As a ordinary citizen, I am always paying attention to present network, the most severe Shaanxi town of level ground of the speculation on media" the wild tiger of South China" incident. Tens of days have passed , about this matter real fake is to let one fail to eventuate in a common understanding as before, a fog. Investigate a place to have the trace of tiger , I miss the experts of our wildlife scholar and cat department animal , give conclusion and am easy , but now, what we have seen is a kind of its ambiguous diction. I notice the news briefing meeting of State Forestry Administration, Cao Xing the speach of spokesman in, prudent thorough a kind of is ambiguous, however, final unexpectedly " the tiger of South China" is mentioned in the same breath with" this nun water monster", a little let one feel angry. Possibly the masters of State Forestry Administration, also think a simple problem of " have wild brave south tiger ", do to puzzle mankind tens of years " nun and this water monster"?

Citizen has the right of also having query and description and knowing the right of fact truth. Have seen CCTV Afghan the programme concerning" the tiger of South China" of mound, having again seen the, CCTV firewood broadcast recently the news investigation made quietly has seen that it" is rather brave to send ", with " hit brave style ", have had no the saliva that has sunk. Believe that there is the persons of judgment ability and basic thought, is easy for this matter is really fake, make the most direct judgment.

It is complex to go to simple matter lane , lane has no the complicated legal case of main threads , this can most embody at last" the behavior art of Chinese characteristic". When week the time that dragons can not just make own statement consistent , they for self one hand plan or say that the wild South China made is brave, facing the query of the public, have adopted the state of " have the right that maintains silence " without hesitation, more picture that Wu Xing county magistrate uses the language like slogan, maintain the dignity that final that of and group interests pities by oneself. Is claiming " fair comfortable popular feeling in, paper how can pack lives in fire? " the leading role of this incident( or is called farce), hunter week straight dragon about take pictures with rear time as well as have seen by whom that it" is brave to shine " contradiction declare position , have let this one come out formerly for not this complex matter in world with the quality certificate of sincere village people.

I always deeply query, one lives all the year round in the peasant hunter of big mountain depths, can be skilled to control trick yard camera, the racket that not feared facing death takes off such " many brave traces of South China ". Old week that pair of go hunting hand, can make one wonder at really as this skilled grasp with high-tech product unexpectedly.

Now lets us continue this Chinese edition " the riddle of this Di Fen Si", if there are really" the wild tiger of South China" in this Shaanxi town place of level ground so it since where come? It is solitary one body, have companion still appearance follow. And has a wild tiger what campaign scope actually? Is the circumference of the town of level ground tens kilometers of, still hundreds kilometers of? By the experts of Shaanxi province forestry hall organization the appraisal for" the town wild tiger of level ground of South China" conclusion, is leak 100 to happen , cannot bear to attack. Experts have not studied the expert of cat department animal specially , and can not also make own statement consistent only through the appraisal of hair, footmark and night soil.

I believe more that a hunter peasant deceives little trick if asking only for some interests, it is the key starting point of this farce to attempt to deceive money. However, matter complex absolutely not only lie in for that week hunter the racket brave hero who wears local government grant take go to ten thousands of recompenses, is when this curtain is in the performance of farce, the local government of the Shanxi town of level ground, the officials "a connected sequence" of Shaanxi province forestry hall performance. They already formerly simple matter, lane becomes more and more picture a have to premeditate , there is plan, there is purpose incident.

Any a kind of actual purpose, necessity contains interests tell to beg. According to Shaanxi province forestry hall, as well as the local place county and town of level ground rely on this tiger of South China of " son empty nothing " only, may compete for self large amount call " the brave nature reserve of South China" " well-known minute ", then feel at ease and justified enjoyment country gives and the support of every policy and fund and accommodation, this just is " the tiger of South China shines " the heaviest that "weight" behind disturbance

So far, except week straight dragon nobody has seen again" the tiger of South China". And barrier g, Zhu Ju Long as well as local place government are strong to look obvious lack base air. Except week straight dragon occasionally mouth does not select speech, say mountain today to kill the tiger of South China , the brave son that says tomorrow to grab the tiger of South China such not 4 or 6 words, actually, the truth of matter is already complex.

When fake-products production person forms a group, is collective and credibility, public letter, morals rich Yi time, will inevitably catch up dozen by honest people, because this society, except huge commercial material interests, it is more important, need to call a kind of credibility, a kind of is objective, a kind of is practical.

" paper steamed. ." we can not estimate to still have what false evil in our life is ugly, but yearn for sincerity, it is thirsty to ask for truth , is human and most beautiful to tell to beg, it has embodied the really good America in human nature. Is silent if we still keep for " the tiger of South China shines ", that is the morals of a kind of collective are ruined and lack sense of responsibility.

Should arrive return truth in people time.

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