
Clear view point: 170 thousand and 3 100 millions


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170 thousand

No matter from what angle, say that this two figures can not be mentioned in the same breath. Even if conforming to simplicity on single mathematical relation, say that this two groups of figure also has no may than sex. But a fact that not competed is so put in front of us. First figure says the ATM machine of Guangdong certain bank because of fault, let the youth of two job huntings make once to get rich dream. They rely on the bank card in hand, unexpectedly " magical " when ATM cupboard machine last time draw cash, in which, one gets 10 thousand Yuan, and another one allows surname for youth, obviously, some are too greedy, it is accumulated to not know have drawn 170 thousand how many times unexpectedly. At last, matter sends eastern window, in the youth of two job huntings, one voluntarilies surrender to the police with initiative frankly, and it had been caught that another absconds because amount is great. The judgment of court is that amount huge Xu Xing that absconds just youth has been sentenced life sentence.

Second figure is to say that Shanghai

Two groups of digital contrast endures person to think over , a 10 ten thousands of, 3 another 100 millions. But the legal judgment of two groups of digital back has obviously the place that absolute value has to discuss.

I have not been deep for law to study , but I know that law embodies dignity and the will of country, its most minimum foundation should be just, objective, so, judicial balance emblem I think that being have deep meaning.

Is no problem, two use ATM cupboard chance for the youth of continuous drawing, have offended state law, minimum belong to improperliness sharp, because your bank deposit has amount, yourself knows that does not belong to your, your illegal possession , is typical improperliness has to do good to. So, they get deserved legal sanction also is Jiu from since take.

I always perplexed that two when the youth of the continuous drawing on ATM cupboard machine, they why meeting is so and calm, repeatedly succeed. Actually the ATM machine fault of bank afterwards, bank has not adopted slightest guard against measure? Or simple freeze the illegal account of this campaign quickly? Can draw money continuously on cupboard machine 10 ten thousands of, obviously, it is not the matter of being completed one day for two days , the working system of bank can always ignore this kind of illegal behavior unexpectedly, this makes one perplexed very much. When I look , this matter at least bank aspect has apparently fault. I do not know that what that Xu Xing take in youth hand is a what omnipotent card , can be one, two unexpectedly, the drawing with calm N. If so, so first from province should be bank, your ATM cupboard machine still has safe sense?

Stipulate according
Amount is greater or is stolen repeatedly, place the following set term of imprisonment of 3 years, Ju labour or control, and place or single punishment is golden. Amount is huge or has other serious circumstances, place the above following set term of imprisonment of 10 years of 3 years, and punishment is golden. Amount is especially huge or has other especially serious circumstances, place the above set term of imprisonment or life sentence of 10 years. It has one of following case, place life sentence or death penalty; ( 1): Steal financial institution has especially huge amount. ( 2): Steal valuable historical relic, circumstances are serious.

From legal clause, say that for allowing , the judgment of the youth of surname is measurement of penalty perhaps properly. But why is this case one a to be in an uproar? Obviously here, surface has a legal suitable degree and objective law whether just problem. 170 thousand and 3 100 millions, who heavy who lightens not use to say carefully, this two obvious existences the case of huge discrepancy, unexpectedly, different road goes back to last legal judgment together, make one do not know whether to laugh or cry.

For a long time, in hand, hold a batch of member of corruption and degeneration and the person of power, is want is, they spend the asset of country freely into day , but seldom have therefore get severe punishment, this kind of clear show law to be short of to lose just case is nearly easy to get, it is everywhere, so, this time, people lie in for the prime cause of strong judgment repercussion of ATM machine illegal possession case that legal suitable yardstick has not been established at all on the foundation of objective fairness.

So, 3 100 millions get death penalty with reprieve simply, 170 thousand obtains punishment to have no issue this two is the case of possession also, can close on the standard of measurement of penalty as this unexpectedly, the fairness of too lack law kimono maniness.

Actually, it is to

This is the

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