
Words will say Lin Biao the confusion on politics is momentary

Lin Biao the< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

- -New deciphering

Lin Biao inborn commander in chief just. God arranges him to arrive this one, is in the world, it is to let him lead troops to battle , he leans deliberately on politics , is inevitable result since on day, droping.

Battle , the ability of Lin Biao need not say. Say that Lin Biao establishes half of the country for Mao Zedong however. Lin Biao realizes that it is woollen to have also said by oneself it is his: " his whole who also not this whole I! I establish half of the country for him! "

The confusion

Though final " his whole who also not this whole I!

1949Year after, Lin Biao has had a period to retreat Yin towns and villages all over the country, here, body reason has , other reason also has. The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea I disagree that I do not go , this battle should be not hit , is also hit not well. My body is not good , others goes. Peng De Huai has gone , but Peng hit again good, it is biggest failure to have lost crown prince. Peng De Huai has changed the locus with ongoing Chinese history.

However, see that others carries Dai Hua Ling, is heavy traffic before door, not is each found hero can be calm as shut-off of water. The story of Fan Li can be all remembered. It does not be gone to that doing not see marshal to give hold in the mouth Lin Biao, but political stage goes up show up one after another, forest marshal sees also itch at heart.

"Common people dawn

So, 1959 Lu mountain meeting goes up , Lin Biao makes mountain. He forgets " ancient this will appearance when what side, wasteland Zhong the grass of a pile have sunk. " world Xi Rang, do good to all for name to go. Lin Biao is also coarse. Though, forest realizes leader to behave to act road, have summarized the France of a series of companion monarch secretly, but body Ji have gone in by filling, when is drowned are the matter of in the morning and evening only.

The Cultural Revolution, Lin Biao Ji by filling is to neck , it is confused! Still leader makes reduction Ye Qun Jin the Political Bureau he agrees , it is yellow to pull still , Wu , Li , Qiu " last nine big " rostrum. Most extremely is , agree unexpectedly since have written into party constitution. Household cries out you are forever healthy, woollen a word, you palpitate with fear , does hair let you how to feel at ease and justified on the contrary into party constitution? Hair sinks let President Liushaoqi? Sink " 3 days does not study , is it odd that cannot catch up Liu Shao? " do you sink " who dares horizontal knife immediately, only I Peng the army of senior general? " Han Xin is away from have to be far , isn't present matter clear?

"Officer house Prime

"After nine big ", LinYour age big afterwards,"And have mentioned

This sentence words of Mao Zedong are big for the strike of Lin Biao. The Cultural Revolution and forest also walk for hair to also tend to , are the absolute authority of big Shu-Te-Shu-Mao , stabilize armed forces for hair in confusing in the world to escort to convoy , are upright to take off great merit. Actually, is before the Cultural Revolution early , Lin Jiu Ji goes through in armed forces, to set up hair to do , make huge contribution. Now, Liu Shao Qi and the large quantities of far hairs inner-party send to just fall , have not used by oneself , this puts with whom, is unbalanced at heart.

If now, forest torrent is brave to retreat between, abdicate Zhang Chun Qiao along Mao Zhi Yi to avoid house scenery , the destiny of forest can change , the political situation of China can also change. But forest has no , he has selected torrent, is brave to enter. This respect, his same Zhou Enlai than, it is difference really. In week, same hair keeps forever, is intermediate to separate the distance of a person. Week is the Communist Party of China is inner-party to know the first person of hair, it is a political past master, some angle is spoken , is that one takes out the more the top that turns the more quickly in week. Have died , still turn"4 or 5 sport

The torrent of forest is brave to enter , show off momentary brave teenager, have caused hair to have said some times of do not set up President, forest carries trunk , and sprinkles a belly air with Zhang Chun Qiao. Still dare in 1971"May Day " evening, on Tian'anmen, see to woollen expression. One has really the conspirator of heart that usurps state power , one the person that wants to snatch class really to seize power meeting so openly and wantonly do? Lin Ji goes through have entered party constitution, do you snatch what class? Do you seize what right?

1971Year Lu mountain goes up , Lin Biao make is , say with it that he snatches class to seize power , having better to say is a near subject plays in front of master child temper, as if Zhang Yu Feng when in front of hair lift foot go , as if she dare scold Mao Zedong. In swimming pool, only opening , who dare be so?

Is natural, side kneels for a long time flunkey want to stand , is that place does not allow any a master. The flunkey who wants to stand in front of master still wants the hateful 10 thousand times of 1000 times than enemy. This is why, Lin Yi has an accident son, the not good enough son of Mao Zedong loses the sight. Woollen all the life fights its music with person is infinite, why have gone to Lin Biao, isn't its music infinite?

"Common people dawn immortal is good,
