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Person actually needs self-respect and independence, but in this solely strange land society that is away from , a person does not lose self, is hard. Perhaps is between one thinks of , the action of a person may change the destiny of own a lifetime. Claim just, trip road key few steps are this meaning probably. The biggest comfort of a person is the quietness of own soul, even life has too many is not satisfactory , only soul is filled with sunshine, all metropolises pass. Person does not want since Ai since abandon , do not try to gain sympathy, even as the pity of prayer others more, what road goes by oneself , have a clear conscience only, even this road is very bumpy, but have what relation? Are we doomed to hit in front of fame and gain to kill? Are we doomed to lose self in front of wealth? Do not go to road of retrogression , believe that also learn by oneself to obey suggestion and the opinion of others , I believe this is a kind of positive optimistic person ecological degree.

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Olympic Games convenes soon, the saying of relevant the Olympic Games not unique ear. Actually, the subject of national physical fitness, as well as the original idea of Olympic Games is absolutely not the amount of gold medal, Gu Bai Dan " is more rapid, it is higher, more winner " no so many utilities tell to beg. We take how many piece brands on Olympic Games have regarded as " a honorable political task ", this lets the very the Olympic Games have changed taste. The meaning of the sport of whole people should absolutely not embody , should embody on medal in the raising of genuine national physical fitness and the body general quality of whole people. The project of gold medal has no material meaning besides the view on reputation. If say , country for the input of huge preparation Olympic Games only is for a position, how many piece medals, that simply is for Olympic spirit blaspheme.

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Concerning the Shaanxi really fake appraisal of the town brave photograph of level ground of South China allegedly, have been completed , have not so announced , being because appraise department have huge psychological pressure cloud cloud. This is one is hard to say very much to take the excuse of person, your again difficult ugly daughter-in-law also wants to see parents-in-law sooner or later, if the of fact, is truth should restore. This kind of want to hold pipa the half behavior that covers surface , can only aggravate people for this matter weariness and the disgust of real fake degree. No matter from any angle, saying , I firmly believes , far not is a peasant hunter has shone some of films are so simple. This formerly not complex matter, in the fog in cloud in the time of a few months, fail to eventuate in a common understanding , also disproof on this matter , have shameful thing really. We are to have weakened for the judgment ability of thing , or have made problem at all , what lets the formerly simple problem of one so and complex? Possibly as Cao Xing of State Forestry Administration news spokesman says very so, our tiger of South China may be mentioned in the same breath with this nun lake water monster? When can false appearance and the confusion of this kind of artificial manufacture reveal after all? Pressure does not be announced , when can you have no pressure? A transparent government, one says the government of truth, a government that dares to face , is not is a dream?

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Must recognize that this world is too colored ,

< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">< chsdate year=2008 month=1 day=4 islunardate=False isrocdate=False w:st=on>January 4,2008< chsdate/>Friday
