
Words will say that Wang Hong Wen resembles a person very much

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The Cultural Revolution your new Wang Hong Wen, same year had been passed to claim" rocket cadre", overnight, from Shanghai a rebellion style head makes a leap central government, the Communist Party of China" ten big" duration wind cloud political field.

Wang Hong Wen is from Shanghai assault to Beijing,

About king had been liked , example comes saying is: Family background is good , party member , when error soldier , the young trial, that has gone through the fire and blood of the Cultural Revolution.

Recently, when collecting some historical figure pictures, the long picture of Wang Hong Wen lets me remember a person suddenly. Tens of years , this kind of feeling can when a ordinary common people produce at heart, actually will not when one though does not say in, will not but absolutely forget the popular feeling of own son arising?

"In July 1967, ' 7.20' arranges after incident, by Zhou Enlai, Mao Zedong arrives Shanghai from Wuhan , attends to the domestic garden reception No. 414 after living to west suburb , is worthing the Shanghai incident of 'Ba Si' at that time. Wang Hong Wen has transfered the workers of 10 thousand more than 30 , mentions pike short stick , has sent out truck, forklift and fire engine, have pounded opposition city leather member meeting and'Work total department ' rebellion organization. Mao Zedong late at night takes armored safe vehicle to the tour of The Bund, see that a group holds pike , the first worker who puts on safety helmet when Shanghai leather member meeting door is former to stand guard , feel that Wuhan and the situation of Shanghai are different, worker rebellion style can control overall situation completely , is very glad. He says for opening spring bridge that to rebuild , Shanghai militia instructs the armed worker of 100 thousand. Does Zhang Chun Qiao ask , will send gun? Mao Zedong says that each sends one rod. Because see that Mao Zedong looks upon worker rebellion style especially , opens spring bridge to let television station arrange some this kind of programmes , Mao Zedong happens to see that Wang Hong Wen is criticizing the summary speach on cup meeting. "

" National Day of 1968 years, nation-wide worker and work Xuan the representative of team goes to Beijing to attend a ceremony , Wang Hong Wen enters Zhongnanhai as the guide of Shanghai delegation. What make Wang Hong Wen feel unexpected is that in so many representatives, Mao Zedong has received him alone. And introduce him to Lin Biao of side. "

Mao Zedong has asked Wang Hong writing is where person in, have asked home do what, closely following Wang Hong Wen has said since already 16 years old registers to join the army , have again attended the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea with army. When passing soldier , it is not important , but will pass the soldier of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, this experience is too important!

Does Mao Zedong meet with Wang Hong Wen

When Wang Hong Wen another station when in front of Mao Zedong , when hair asks and the experience of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea of king, handsome graceful Wang Hong Wen can remember son Mao An Ying again except leting hair remember Korean War?

Contrast the group photo of Mao Zedong and Mao An Ying of same year, see Wang Hong Wen again" ten big" photograph. Have resembled too! The Chinese People's Volunteer Army of minimum king goes through , it is current to reflect a let Mao Zedong wave to wipe the recollections that not gone to. Certainly, home of old man is to will not say forever that king resembles own son.

Is regretfully: King is too young , takes military


Material is drawn from" the exposition