
Words will say that today, China has this degree

Today, China has< xml:namespace prefix=o ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office">

Today, China has had. But China has what degree, common people are perfectly obvious. Should say that China is rich. But this one rich is more vertical comparison goes up have , has had in yesterday that is than self, the side that this one also has , still is many persons go up do not rise to study , despise illness , do not take room , even eat not last meal. This is the present situation of China.

These will not

China is a little money. But as if a family, have got money is this to live , need " manage affairs " to consider overall. China who manages affairs? It is of party in power. Among this country large family, some children are so fat that can't help need to reduce weight , some children are so thin that can't help rocking , this some money in pocket have to think more this how to spend. There are so sentence words:

Party is

A bosom

Gu pout Gu

This still has words at the back , but has not remembered. But there is point to be affirmed, is so thin that rock those children, certain snatch not the child of teat. Otherwise, the same milk, household is fat and ill , you Za rock? Is natural, snatch not teat reason more than one. One has many children. 2 has different intelligence quotient. 3 is mother incline teat sometimes who.

Do not say that

Ran child has fat have is thin, also again a little money , whether go thin child to incline here count! Though the thin child possible low point of intelligence quotient, your teat that meeting, he Sha also do not understand , but does palm the back of the hand do not be meat?

However, fat child is so fat that can't

"Heart company heart "

Shape color and Lao Min

Height is different ,

Here, say former British prime minister Blair. Haven't all forgotten this person yet? Last year year-old end, Blair suddenly again" news figure". But there are few media reports. Why this monarch again "news"? He when the Chinese speech of Dong Guan 20 minutes, income 500 thousand dollars.

Blair has made speech in Dong Guan what, does worth-while Chinese government pay him so many money? Our call Chinese of one side donates today , donates tomorrow in, do not donate wages bag deduct; What 200 Yuan the child for that one is deprived of education how to how to, what many money many money may save a young life, it is difficult to seem government; But why take again so multi-line gives a foreign country former prime minister? Is the exchange RMB of 500 thousand dollars to need not count first finger somewhat?

Mother! In we pocket, it

2002In year, Clinton makes speech

2007Year, Blair when a speech

Clinton and Blair go to other country to make speech , do you also give so many money? This we Chinese illness Za Sha marquis can not also alter! Sui Yang emperor that can commit this illness, thief can pack! Zheng can commit this illness with Western that, thief can pack! Za have been today, it is still so!

Mother! My

You this Za let


Material draws to turn over a new leaf