
South Korean 10 big loves story film

Literature and art coloredly

The romantic love film of South Korea always so lets one
A, chrysanthemum

Perhaps, you smell to see a woman , bring chrysanthemum perfume, decide to like her a lifetime; Perhaps, you select a old song at will , come to incline to state your heartfelt wishes; Perhaps, you can engrave the name of spouse on trunk , let love grow up; Perhaps, you are in the final time of life , steping on sand sand to do loud ginkgo leaf jumps a dance; Perhaps, you do pottery personally , it is to give off the story of chrysanthemum perfume to let happiness become eternal art - - these.

Recommend grade:

Literature and art coloredly

2, that

Leading role is beautiful juvenile and ordinary Cinderella of very character, actor's lines have also the might that makes one hold belly to laugh, depict also is a to pure feelings. The story of such Prince Charming and Cinderella can let masses of female audience shout to satisfy a craving always.

Recommend grade:

Literature and art coloredly

銆€3 and my uncivilized

" my uncivilized female warrior " what say is that Zhang Na pulls how to with her soft merit, do slowly the man that she likes to get. See the expression that she enriches , hear her tip strictly speak to sound, there is still the skill of the similar past master of tae kwon do!

Recommend grade:

Literature and art coloredly

4 and South

The most beautiful film on South Korean film history" South Korean love letter" have depicted till death not like the love promise narration of change a fairy tale pure love story, is South Korean giant star golden Xi Shan after quiet one year many incline force make.

Recommend grade:

Literature and art coloredly

5 and Seoul

This is a reflection the film of metropolis young love. Film take a picture no general love film those Bin Fen the breath of color and youth, pass through color grave have reflected that metropolis love is dispirited and fragile one side. Film has been covered with ambiguous taste, it may count if the performance of some of leading roles may be also enclosed , it is a excellent work to not lose!


Literature and art coloredly

6 , Chu the

Chu the space-time that not gone to , Chu the romance that not gone to. Space can produce , is this kind of to lose sense, time also same may. Use time twisted come to make this kind of effect of " rub shoulder error " seem is recently some South Korean films the circumstances frame of being fond of.


Literature and art coloredly

銆€7, love

The South Korean film like a prose poem, one is covered with thick autumn Yi love story, Zhang Dong develops a father and trouble heavy ill youth in alive flat, beautiful air is melancholy. Gao Xiao Ying of one of 3 South Korean big beauties is developing a Miss tourist guide , two persons when scenery as Cheju of drawing appearance meet appearance love . . . . ..


Literature and art coloredly

88 photo

This is in recent years a rare excellent film in, between flat has been concerned with lifetime have real situation: Friend, spouse, household, so this is the person that department has for suiting the film seen.


Literature and art coloredly

9 and uncivilized

She has wilfulness, point is rampant , is for you , she is not only beautiful and still very uncivilized. The whole wisdom in this flat virtuous deduce again" uncivilized type" love story, outstanding degree not inferior " my uncivilized female friend".


Literature and art coloredly

10 , have

Classic product will belong to elaboration! Though, it is the flat of literature and art, have no blindly tenderness honey Yi, in flat, it is many to let one hold belly, the site that even lets one do not know whether to laugh or to cry scene lets one be moved , being worthy to be " uncivilized female friend" the works of director.

