
Clear view point: Xu Ting, you are guilty


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Xu Ting,

The ATM machine fault that occurs in Guangzhou, the youth that causes one to call Xu Ting madness takes the moneies more than 170 in machine, amount is as high as 170 thousand. Case hair after, Guangzhou court has sentenced Xu Ting life sentence. Pronounce judgment to happen, whole nation big Hua. What is no problem is that so, one judgment has the obvious improperliness of measurement of penalty , or says the problem with overweight measurement of penalty. Because of ATM machine fault formerly, so, bank aspect disaster flees it Jiu, the fault of all has deducted in Xu Ting the body, it is not public obviously. Compel come from different aspects pressure, Guangzhou city court interrogates this case weight.

Say objectively that Xu Ting An

Only because of 170 thousand, get life sentence under, compare those cause serious economic losses easily to country, last 100 million even the 1000 on corruption, does Xu Ting calculate what? Is not because he is rough root stratum, so, it is first-class to be doomed to want crime to add? ! So, we when is surprised to see the back of life sentence of Xu Ting, legal justance is short of to lose , so, that is doomed is many for one to can not take judgment.

When weight is interrogated , I have seen Xu Ting in Chen Ci of time with careful yard to plead. No matter from which kind of meaning, it is absurd to say that measurement of penalty is overweight and not be equal to the innocent self of Xu Ting to display to argue and cannot bear to attack. First, Xu Ting is short of seriously on the layer surface of morals to lose , and, he make is will surely be the behavior of a kind of crime. Reason is very simple, ATM machine has broken down you to allow Ting need not know , however, yourself has how much money which know surely. In your bank card only at hundreds pieces of times, you have taken out 1000 pieces for the first time, you have surmounted basic category , allow Ting one cannot put the moneies more than 170 in order , take unexpectedly continuously, amounting to to take money is as high as 170 thousand. The careful time in yard, Xu Ting self makes excuses to say , he wants to take out money to take care of , then tries to deliver to return bank ,since he has discovered the fault of ATM machine. This kind of saying has what credibleness, as well as it is so absurd to not use to say. Return one step to say , you as there are this thought in Xu Ting, why do not pay Zhu action, why will escape , actually only is in the aspect of bank " threat and pressure"? In ATM, the machine money of inside belong to country, belong to other is legal to hold bank card, and can the person of normal access, do not deny that Xu Ting is a member in which, however, he make is have surmounted law obviously. Can not say that steal , minimum also is very illegitimate have to do good to.

Xu Ting is very young, young person makes a mistake God metropolis forgiveness. However, Xu Ting can not get because of him the sympathy of the most people feels " self wrongs innocent ", this is two completely different concepts and understandings. Sympathize with you or is the judgment of query Guangzhou court, and it is innocent to not be equal to you, and, take money illegally to be as high as 170 thousand , it is fault to be able to say and fault? System and rule have leak , and are not your hall the reason of geting into of emperor. People are when universal query " measurement of penalty overweight ", instead of because you are innocent, those think your innocent person, its starting point and viewpoint are very absurd.

The behavior that had to do good to improperly not only is morals is short of to lose , still having crime move since, Xu Ting is one adult, obviously, he will surely know whom the money of ATM machine should belong to after all, he also knows him this kind of succession takes the behavior of money is objective actually go up unexpected behavior, is still subjective go up is intentional. And when he takes money continuously to be as high as 170 thousand , he has been suspected for occupying illegally, saying him is innocent? Obvious can not.

Xu Ting minimum have subjective go up

March 1,2008
