
Chinese football criticism book - - fake football criticism book( 5)


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Fake football


The purpose of criticism

Begin football reform since Wang Jun Sheng takes over Football Association to , Chinese Football Association has had a decade development program. Planned Chinese National Olympic Team kills in 1996 into the 8 winners of the Olympic Games of football match, the Chinese football team World Cup of 1998 years is killed into the final circle of World Cup, in 2002, World Cup enters the 16 winners of World Cup. The great aspiration of great ambition Cheng is valuable, but lack scientific basis has only subjective desire. At the same time for professional football reform, after entering market environment, can occur which change , meet which difficult lack ideological preparation , cause to be this and grand to plan the laughingstock of people. Facing the program of this abortion, we are to cry or will smile today? If say ," the red meeting of mountain pass", have decided road and the direction of Chinese football professionalism, in so" wonderful hammer island meeting" this blueprint demonstrated, obvious do not suit reality is mad to think.

Regardless of us how aim too high , it is very weak that we must identify such a reality, our football foundation and foundation , lack the football of the extensiveness on genuine meaning. The function of soccer association is exercised and do not make clear , lets us be facing Olympic Games , the time of World Cup shows , is those and arrogant as coming out and impetuousness, as well as will inevitably let Chinese only football manage structure with the fierce collision between cruel reality, Chinese Football Association falls into embarrassed position.

Yan after Shi-Duo assumes power , have altered professional league matches in, alter JIA A to shout have exceeded. Have again put forward tentative idea i.e. 2008 Beijing Olympic Gameses, male football enters former 8, women football enters former 4. After taking up the post , the new lead of general bureau has strengthened strategy for winning Olympic gold medals, even have person have quoted Lao Jiang for same year when Lu mountain the speech of resistance against Japan of publication: " only one of beginning of the war opens somebody to have no minute old is young, land have no minute south north, it has war against aggression all to guard the duty of earth. " alter " have all to pick gold , seize the duty of silver. " Chinese football is eager for quick success and instant benefit originally , lead has again added the word " more" to them. So, have again put forward new goal: " 2008 Beijing the Olympic Gameses, man and women football work hard to pick brand into former 4. " if say Wang Jun Sheng the decade program of times we may play is called as " horse hopes Er plan ", so face the 8 that will soon come the Olympic Games our goal is not is a little the taste of idiotic nonsense?

I in entire series first part, if aim at Football

Boss Wang Jian Lin with the Dalian 10 thousand reaching football club has expressed openly for media that he is disappointed for Football Association and dissatisfaction " some current major decision-makings in league matches have not solicited the opinion of every club, the operation for club is also alone broken special trip. The officer of Football Association transports should elect arising, current this kind of appointment system, each club force can not and, more is disappointed. " I this kind of viewpoint of believing for Football Association absolutely non Wang Jian Lin a person has.

It is the conclusion of a what organization that through the continuous writing analysis on me, we reach Football Association easily. According to the philosophy viewpoint of " store soon reasonable ", Football Association is first class reasonable organization certainly. Problem is , this reasonable organization is not to make reasonable matter.

The Chinese football that has carried out the 10 professionalisms of some years can not say that has no experience , can not also say that is ignorant as before and is explored. But see us in the ranking of FIFA, when the ranking of Asia, can we have what feeling? Now in Asia, we rank unexpectedly, is after Vietnam , this real is a to let you ridicule the modern humor that not come out. And rely on qualification match and Burmese match , argue one to go the South African share of the peripheral match group match of World Cup , it embarrassed make the face of synthetic perspiration. No matter national male football, it is still national women football, when in in last few years game nearly all Sha feather is , this kind of terrible score, still do not turn over actually Cun make Football Association is incompetent and not action?

The league matches of league matches are not as good as pipe, the nation team of nation team is in an awful state , such national football management organization, if not be scolded by public opinion in football developed region, die , will be also drowned by the saliva of fan. On European a cup of selection match, England person has lost rise in rank qualification, the wheat carat of chief coach Lun relieve military power very quickly always by Britain foot. Differ from too in those years at the time that Britain attends World Cup , because of score, the name of the Taylor of chief coach, in Britain, a lot of medias had been magnified , then mark " Taylor - - - - dog dung" printed words. Our Asian a cup of setback of nation team afterwards, the process of resigning of chief coach Zhu Guang Hu endures person rather to think over , do you still write summary and such crushing defeat , have what to be worth for to summarize? Finish class. So, Chinese football and the experience of failure have accumulated how many baskets, one tumble , one tumbles with same way, one grey first earth face, one thoroughly, summary does not rise may, what meaning has such summary? Football Association gives the State General Administration of Sports play to fold go up is not should also have " subject repeatedly war defeats repeatedly, defeat repeatedly repeatedly war " word?

Reform beginning becomes various and contradictory for existent various abuse along with evolution and the passing of time and incident. The 5th times in league matches( 1997) have nearly flooded for the sound of the dissatisfaction and query of Football Association have mainstream, non-mainstream media. China comes in tens of football years but is always repeating same mistake, always hesitate to press forward , even go backwards increasingly. Football skill tactical level is going backwards; The professional football reform of marketization is going backwards to planned economy; The foundation of football is being reduced increasingly; The leading level of Football Association is also going backwards increasingly. The crux of Chinese football is actually clear , says briefly that the partial policymakers of Chinese football do not understand football law , do not understand the law of sports. The government decree that they enact , the measure adopted is not to leave from law , but is to so make our football business be from popularity for years since theory of officer standard leaves , select material , training , Jing many aspects of standard, have formed a on the contrary scientific system. Product heavy disaster is returned , acting appearance Cheng. Because they have not regarded football sport as the sport that common people like , regards football as the own project of political achievements, is eager for quick success and instant benefit , again repeatedly war defeats repeatedly. Also therefore, they do not receive a visitor forever to watch clearly summary review. Because of them forever not whether decide self. Is because the partial policymakers of Chinese Football Association do not understand market economic law to respect superior lead only , do not respect market rule. Therefore, for occupation league matches are from theory , policy goes to behavior way, is wanted always with heart , want to alter to alter. It is what to think that officer what ability has , the professional league matches caused for years are intermittent, broken. It is definite that quality can not rise , and it is normal as developing to go on to have still influenced football industry therefore. Today is gone begging , is naked tomorrow to run , lead next Chinese basket together with them in a general bureau Xie lead, in basketball professionalism reform, CBA league matches are seldom suspended. On basketball market development, have also maintained relatively enlightened practice, do not understand market do not pack to understand , ask expert to come to develop , basket Xie coordination, and create condition. It have to be increasingly prosperous to make CBA league matches come for some years to do , emerge Yao Ming , is easy to build to unite such international level star.

As first class management organization, facing the present situation of this 10 some years, Football Association should have deep self review. Under restriction and the influence of officer standard ideology, the officials of Football Association value and love the own that right on hand too. Is at least the expert expert of a football profession if saying as founder Wang Jun Sheng of football reform, so since Yan Shi Duo after him , thank Ya-Long, more like to turn " the magic square of right" is under broad daylight , when many eye stares , attempt to play the inferior acrobatics of " change alive person ", in their thought and eye, they are the "god"s of paramount Chinese football, so, they dismember league matches, so, they fail indifferently, so, they have thoroughlied cook duck , boil not cooked own mouth.

Take off " a Chinese

< xml:namespace prefix=st1 ns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags">< chsdate w:st=on year=2007 month=12 day=8 islunardate=False isrocdate=False>December 8,2007< chsdate/>Saturday
