
Words will say alive do not fear to fear death

Alive do not

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DieFor alive person,Is a N very fearful,

But others die in, other family die , when the most Chinese vision calculates can not what, die , is some ready-made reasons however , is very normal. Life has no from ancient whom to die! Livelihood has dead, natural law , is too simple!

Have only go through Ya custom.It isFlatOneFlatCut your meat! NowAbout the reason

Your knife a knife of -Ai--Na-Yi land cut , when in O degree land pain accepts and comprehends your not strange reasons again, you will feel that have trail reason and the road reason of these about deathAbsoluteAs if that a circle the bandage tangled

Nobody does not know that dies , nobody can escape death.HaveReplyHe whether have gone heaven or have taken off hell, yourself thinks! Yourself repairs Wu! Your letter Buddha, Buddha can tell you. Your letter is supernatural , god can also tell you. You will write to desperately, heart Cheng is clever. Do you return pain? Are you still painful? Your heart not Cheng!

Marx whenPassIt isItFu An dies to follow wife and goes. Marx studies capital , discusses capital , discusses the dictatorship of the proletariat, but having not discussed love wife have gone , he is this to complete his career. ResultHeAbandon " capital theory"Death is so fearful, so painful,Catch up!

Have no person to examineDayFlow out tear. But wife goes horseDoctrineFounder is very human nature! So, the person of the heart of human nature will not practice theory of his dictatorship well. In principle, Marx is still a scholar only , has better to list , Stalin, Mao Zedong, 2 golds and wave Er cloth specialIt.

CompareThinkInheritance person , worshippers face the death of kinsfolk while facing death, than ancestor, it is strong and many , is also open-minded and many! You picture Guo Mo Ruo and monarch, son has been died , can praise warbler song swallow dance with full political enthusiasm stillVomitRiver green comrade! Marx if

Materialism person thinks that materialIs spiritBuddha says: Person does not die , last Western Paradise, go to the fields prison. Fall think material the materialism that not extinguished thinks: Person has died , has died , has sunk thoroughly! Therefore thorough materialism persons are fearless! Because their not letter what heaven hell says. See the materialism persons around us do is!

Die , a so true problem and that not avoided!AlsoWe thinkDieThinkDieMeaning. In Beijing, I have gone to the mountain of eight treasures three times , reserve company between a tombstone to go to and back from , my near distance x land get close to those alive the life that we can not come up. Between life and death, I am thinking deeply , are they also thinking deeply?

What is

Alive is

Live in the life between life and death , go to the
