
Long term fund is slow to pull out of Hong Kong"s share

ArticleHttp: / / www, sina, com, cn January

Source: Chinese

Have gone through two days fall disastrously afterwards, on January 23, America unites to store up , supply urgently to save city , adjusting federal standard interest rate have reduced 75 basic points. The major bank of Hong Kong also announces one after another that follows , enter to reduce breath.

On January 22, it is rear that Bao Xie exceeds under,In wound near 10 years,

Though it is so, the bond field personage of Hong Kong claims , values Hong Kong's share for a long time, but when China and the shadow of American recession reduce the influence of policy take off, investorMove for the


銆€銆€22th, the permanent finger of Hong. " investor reaction is too drastic. " the big bond research of good fortune department general manager director wheat virtue smooth expression, " Hong Kong's share current stage has exceeded to fall. "

Though, golden pipe department president of Hong Kong takes the charge of will to just show, not see have large quantities of funds to pull out of Hong Kong , investor need not be frightened. But investment circle personage view is not the same.

Kai-Ji bond analystSee from a plate of surface, Gu. From right certificate and Gu emptyThis phenomenon shows. " because generally speaking, investment right

Wheat virtue light is also considered<>Move ( 0941.HK) fall 4.31% , remit isChinese(45.61.333.00%Stock)( 2628.HK) fall 9.50%Chinese( 0939.HK) fall 8.43%. In capital bank shareIndustrial( 1398.HK)Build(8.620.273.23%Stock)( 0939.HK) share price

銆€銆€" in petroleum 22th falls to break HK$ 10. So as. This may also reflect , in investment when the fund of petroleum has very the most are international funds, because the domestic quantity of fund universal is less. " these funds may get secondary debt crisis influence, hope to be able to avoid risk. "

銆€銆€Secondary debt crisis. " though not as is pessimistic,

However,Current stage the super share. The state-owned enterprise index weight of 23th goes up at 13.2 thousand o'clock level, but compare its highest position at 20.609 thousand o'clock level, have fallen the most. " now is the time of investing in state-owned enterprise board piece. "

Hong Kong's share exceeds to fall when, exceed especially state-owned enterprise share to fall , foreign country throws trip to take the opportunity admission long ago. On January 8 during 10th, rub root to know increase with each average price 140.5 Yuan hold 4327 thousand traditional blue chip lengthes really( 0001.HK) stock, will hold share quantity raising to 6.15%, and it is 610 thousand that buying respectively enterConch(68.464.116.39%Stock)( 0914.HK) , 1110 thousand ChineseChinese(36.23- 0.05- 0.14%Stock)( 1919.HK) etc. many

The share of Shanghai and Guangzhou investment port personal raise fund personage also show to reporter, they value the tap board piece of state-owned enterprise share , and have also bought recently into Chinese ocean and Chinese life.

銆€銆€Chinese factor

However after Hong Kong's share city, investorThe market of Hong Kong envelops two ghosts still:

" secondary debt crisis will not produce basic change for the basic surface of emerging market. " colored flag group Asia-Pacific district chief economist Huang Yi levels to say. " good enterprise profit situation, the high increase of economy can last still. " he thinks , need not worry about international fund the problem pulled out of in large quantities.

Li Jing thinks that America unites to store

After the Hong Kong's share vehicle of straight line is indefinite to shelve , QDII becomes to lose toward the only channel of the market fund of Hong Kong. But it is decreased that the fluctuation of international market makes domestic publishing QDII product net value unceasing, domestic investor for this kind of investment Yi mood Lan Shan. Recently publishing work silver Rui letter QDII product, subscription person is very few.

" because of the recession of global capital market, now, the sales of QDII fund have encountered very stern challenge. " Li Jing worrying this will produce further influence for the investment atmosphere of the market of Hong Kong.

Additionally, a unknown influence

Huang Yi levels expression, American recession reduces the export that causes China, this will cause influence for the economy of China. And it is what that this influence has , now, is hard to still evaluate , this has also influenced investor confidence.