
QDII madness throws Hong Kong"s share can receive finally a stick?

Chinese fund field walksQDIILet a hundredQDIIOpen countryQDIIA day2007In year,QDIIFiery degree. Now, the stock markets of Hong Kong and America are in stage high some stage , world bank ,including some famous economists do not come for world, is economic to develop , expecting , especially the development of American economy become , is more pessimistic than the former , think that following economic development and the vibration of the stock market will be increased , risk can rise. Under this kind of condition, we start in large quantitiesQDIITo overseas investment,銆€銆€Avoid Seek the areaNow, we have gone through the "disturbance" of the Hong Kong's share vehicle of straight line , know first to postpone again, it is troubled that fund QDII loves department by" the Hong Kong's share vehicle of straight line". Especially American the stock market encounters loan disturbance impact again, the concussion of Hong Kong's share is more intense.QDIIWhether have youDutch bank directorQDIIProduct2007In year, can sell 100 billion one day when it is fiery , is still at the back the type product which is puting the stock of Hong Kong above everything else is equal to risk, nearly press on stock, market is Hong Kong mainly, relative, comparison is unitary. Hong Kong has the enterprise of homeland , also has greatly as soon as wave is the red chips of mainland China, ,HShare isQDIIHave bought some high speeds of mainland China

How to go balanced risk, to see manager and person, can change with strategy and the fund frame of having published that they decide at the beginning, I believe that the frame of surely good fund can not change , for example can only throw red chips orHStock has been decided , how to reduceQDIIProduct the future can develop which business, I feel that frame may get more wide point or different asset classification surely. Is from general orientation , stock has the opportunity , but do not also forget that some agricultural product are also the general orientations of coming 1 or 2 years , resist high inflation , is also a very big opportunity. "Department inspector general Zheng Xu expressesQDIIHold now from heat meetQDIIThe prospect of product is not optimistic , actually the innovation product of it for Chinese fund, investor can have one that never knows too, to understanding, until knowing , always go to the process of more and more understanding in the future. From heat, it is cold to hold to meet , we think that is also investor relative reason , are also the influence that gets the market volatility of overseas investment additionally, all begin to tend to reason, we think that this is not a bad thing, as is entireQDIIThe development

From economic angle , the economy of America and Hong Kong has gone to stage high point, but the economy of America and the economy of Hong Kong have actually great different, their basic surface of economic foundation that is different, from America, its economy has gone through the summit that includes the other essential factors and cost of labourer force by prosperous, its credit increase of 10 some years and has gone to a periodicity , especially when2007In year, so, all are not optimisticZheng Xu thinks: But the economy of Hong8Get the influence of continent2008The increase appropriateness of year can have to slow down somewhat, but entire basic surface is still very good, so, the economic atmosphere of Hong Kong, not picture America is so not optimistic, why is manyQDIISelect to go to Hong

From the stock of Hong Kong estimate the profit forecast that worths and do not come , possibility it estimate value a little is more a little bit high than the market of America, but its future profit repayment since long term see may be also a little bit high , must we feel when2008The annual economic possibility of America downward tendency meeting is a little bit big, but Hong Kong is economic, process a time rest afterwards, it is very possible that rebound returns on the orbit that compares health originally actively.

From this angle, investment and profitQDIIProduct has beenQDIIQualification,2008Our annual investment strategy, or say that we need to go to the balanced , may be the natural disposition between global area more, certainly, we think that entire global economic some area is good , have regional slightly bad point, we will go to seek better investment area, strive for to get relative the, increased profit stabilized. "See from basic surface, we thinkQDIIIf invest in Hong Kong's銆€銆€QDIIDo you" snipe theInQDIIBefore entering a port , the fund2006Year10Month data shows ,( this is now can5%Come from the53%It is local(In27%Belong to26%It is), besides42%It is international(In3%It is overseas39%It is overseas)In international70%Control fund to come5%Fund comes from inland. BelieveEasy side reachesQDIIAngle, no matter fromQDIIBig company, also including us to be easy reach , see this product in highly from strategy, what is strategic altitude? Do not emphasize momentary gain and loss , emphasize the overall long-term effective disposition of asset , see from this kind of angle that walking out of is a inevitable tendency, now, the financial asset of China has reached80Many Wan Yis should say that have30The economic accomplishment since year, have gotten

I want to must want the disposition back and forth that passes through asset globalization to avoid , here, surface has two matter all who may pay attention , first occur debt crisis in America afterwards, have created1993Since year, it is minimum to begin , however this condition chin Fei special asset goes up, because his asset has carried out global disposition. When Britain occurs economic low valley, investor must avoid and resist efficiently this risk through asset disposition back and forth. Second is the negotiation problem of Chinese steel and the overseas stone of iron mine, if weQDIIHave held the asset of business founding or the stockQDIIWalk out of momentary gainRefering to above analysis,QDIIProduct is made , instead of act as the "liberation army" of others. The stock market of China is good really, fund earning rate is very high , has a word to be called " have died do not sell , do not turn time not joyful ", if investment rate repayment reaches , does not arrive100%Above rise not, if under this kindQDIIDo whether investment can get fund hold the pressureQDIIProduct is turned by conservativeJiang Ji Kang says: "QDIIProduct publishing organization, the10%Arrive20%Profit is very good , but if these products are not been well received , do not say 100 billion , 1 or 2 possible 100 millions can't be sold , are great pressure really for those fund manager persons, from this point, I feel that need to educate domestic investor constantly, it is to one of their channel to let them know overseas investment, what fund is not fried is that in one managing money for a long time the way of disposition. "Northeast bond researchQDIIFrom relativeQDIIFund manager, especially the past investmentAShare is known relativelyAShare comes toALanguage right main force and the price48There are21There are many Yuans, finally, it is firm to cover a lot of private investor , if the Chinese fund language right of giving up for market, this that stock have market price, if fund picks up language right, this that stock will go to comparison strong tendency.

Now, the language ofQDIIStrengthen constantly, haveQDIITroops come with scale to see compare disaster still,QDIIPresent pressure comes to see , have to also adopt since is conservative to turn to radical strategy, but I think that as Chinese fund manager is for the understanding of international finance , under the condition with higher selectivity, possible this kind of situation can change. But see from now, from conservative trend radical should be correct choice. "Comprehensive various factors are analysedAAndHThe huge price differenceQDII" snipe the final a stick "

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