
Send bundle fresh flower to teacher

Just send daughter at school entrance, it is steady that bicycle has not stoped yet. " mother, on their hand, take flower. " daughter sees a lot of classmate to take a bundle of flower on hand. There is fresh flower, have just when crossing the handwork bought the rose flower done. " yes, in today the Teacher's Day, flower is to give teacher. " my lock bicycle one side of one side says. " that you why do not let me take? " " I have not prepared " is actually not to have not prepared , and it is that I do not like to so send flower! " that you now buies , it has to sell! " daughter the clothing that pulls me goes toward crossing. I know if do not buy , daughter surely does not reply! Others sends teacher flower, and she has no , it is comfortable that she affirms at heart. She still does not know perhaps why will send flower to teacher, she knows only that others has sent , she will also send! She sees teacher say perhaps for teacher " holiday happiness! " dare not say , or is very little sound land say.

I have to bring her to buy flower. I do not like to not be equal to her, do not like. Here crossing person sells handwork flower, road opposite have a shop of fresh flower, there are many persons. I think that today, the business of this shop is affirmed very well. " you will arrive to go there to buy, do you buy still here? " I ask daughter. Daughter has selected in crossing to buy. She does not know at all what difference fresh flower and handwork flower have , she knows only that will send flower to teacher. Her heart is such is simple! She chooses flower very carefully with a one. She does not know to choose how many , also does not pay to give some teachers. And there are also few time , shine daughter so chooses , will be late. I have to help her to choose. After choosing , I say: " you morning has 4 lessons, there is still physical education, sport teacher will also send oh " " sport teacher is male, he need not send flower " daughter says. " oh " I smile. In her heart, flower belongs to woman.

On hand, there are the student who has not seldom taken flower. A hand that still has some head of families takes flower, one portable fruit basket coming school. I when think why they will send gift to teacher? Are you to feel at heart really that teacher is tired , will appreciate teacher? Is at heart real is blessing teacher? If really be such heart, it is the same that that short letter gives teacher. Old has not now borne at heart yet! If have other psychologies: Or it is to think that teacher has some attention for his child, or giving his child according to row good seat, or let her child be on duty cadre, or is , , , if so, I feel this fresh flower, have lost her original meaning! Have sent gift if saying you to teacher, teacher for you child good point, hasn't that sent the child of gift? That such teacher is what teacher? All give presents , and it is valuable that gift has , how does teacher again treat? Isn't this to make difficult problem to teacher? If have sent courtesy teacher, it is not good and some for your child, aren't you comfortable at heart? Can you again say teacher? Isn't this to ask for trouble? Are you what if sending to so send?

If you give presents stem from wholehearted

Before, one of Classmate I says for me that

The heart of child original is pure to have no evil, it is simple and clear. The practice of and a lot of head of families, when give child is pure to wipe the thing in a mess without evil heart. Is what I do not know us to teach to child what after all? !

If you are wholehearted, you may send anything. It may be a short letter, may meet the language of a sentence blessing! May start work by oneself do look very ugly handwork works. Also may what does not send , so long as you have this respectful teacher, like the heart of teacher!
