
Computer is mentioned quickly


May carry out according to following
1, it is antivirus to
2, the operation scrap arrangement
3, clear away to start item: Beginning
4, accelerate start and barrier machine speed: Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \ Control Panel \ \ Desktop \ \, worth string [ HungAppTimeout ] the data change of number value is [ 200 ], worth string [ WaitToKillAppTimeout ] the data change of number value is [ 1000 ]. Is in HKEY_LOCAL_ACHINE \ \ System \ \ CurrentControlSet \ \ Control additionally , worth string [ HungAppTimeout ] the data change of number value is [ 200 ], worth string [ WaitToKillServiceTimeout ] the data change of number value [ 1000 ].
5, close voluntarily to stop response program: Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \ Control Panel \ \ Desktop, worth string [ AutoEndTasks ] the data of number value alter is [ 1 ], start again can; Barrier machine close voluntarily to stop response program: Find HKEY_USERS \ \.DEFAULT \ \ Control Panel \ \ Desktop( or HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ \ Control Panel \ \ Desktop), when right surface window will [ AutoEndTasks ] the data of number value alter is [ 1 ], write off or start again.
6, clear away the DLL file that not used in memory: Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SOFTWARE \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows \ \ CurrentVersion \ \ Explorer, a creation DWORD value [ AlwaysUnloadDLL ] set up its value is [ 1 ]. Pour: If set up its value is [ 0 ] represent this function of out of service.
7, accelerate
( 1) family edition: Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SOFTWARE \ \ Policies \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows, creating a name is [ Psched ] item, when [ Psched ] right surface window new Dword value [ NonBestEffortLimit ] set up its value is [ 0 ].
( 2) business edition: [ beginning ] [ operation ] input [ gpedit.msc ], open local computer strategy, select in left window [ computer disposition ] [ management shuttering ] [ network ] [ QoS data pack manages program ], in right window, click double " restrict the insurable bandwidth that reserves " , select " have started using " and seting up " bandwidth restriction( %) " for 0 applications determine , weight starts can.
8 , fast browse local area network Luo share: Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ Software \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows \ \ Current Version \ \ Explorer \ \ RemoteComputer \ \ NameSpace, when this , have { D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF } item, delete it to fall , start computer again, Windows XP does not inspect the task intended , speed rises obviously.
9 using L2 Cache of CPU, accelerate overall efficiency: Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SYSTEM \ \ CurrentControlSet \ \ Control \ \ SessionManager \ \ MemoryManagement, when right window, worth Dword [ SecondLevelDataCache ] the data change of number value is the value of decimal numeral similar to CPU L2 Cache: For instance: L2 Cache of P4 1.6 G A is 512Kb, the data change of number value worths for decimal numeral [ 512 ].
10, it is starting computer
Start registered table editor ware , find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SOFTWARE Microsoft Dfrg BootOptimizeFunction, worth string
11, memory
Windows XP in have some choose item may optimize memory performance, them all under registered table location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SYSTEM \ \ CurrentControlSet \ \ Control \ \ SessionManager \ \ Memory Management.
Prohibit to use memory page surface
Under normal condition, XP meeting writes the segment in memory into hard disk , may prevent its this , let data remain to store in , so promote systematic performance. The user who possesses 256 m above memories just uses this installation well. The name of this installation shouts [ Disable Paging Executive ], the value of its since [ 0 ] alter is [ 1 ] may prohibit that memory page surface is managed.
Promotion system stores slowly: [ Large System Cache ] key value since [ 0 ] alter is [ 1 ], Windows XP will store the systematic memory all distributions besides 4 m slowly to file system, this signifies the kernel of XP can store in in operation, raise systematic speed greatly. In the 4 m that leave , it is to do the time that needs under certain condition that magnetic disc stores slowly to store , it is some that XP can still distribute. Generally speaking, this optimization can make systematic performance get considerable promotion, but also possible can make some application program performances reduce. There is the memory more than 256 m, just good activation Large System Cache.
12, queue up prior order for IRQ suspension request: The major parts of computer have installed IRQ suspension number. Through modifying the prior order of IRQ request, may reach optimization purpose. Major optimization is the systematic clock of / CMOS of real time for elephant, it promotes performance through mainboard. Determine to want what package to get higher performance first , find this hardware IRQ suspension number. Open systematic attribute in, choose "hardware" chooses card, click the button " equipment organizer", right key click will check the package of No. IRQ, select "attribute" , click "resource" to choose card. Seeing equipment the IRQ suspension number of use. Under notes, suspension number and operation are registered to show editor ware , spread out HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ System \ \ CurrentControlSet \ \ Control \ \ PriorityControl, establishment name is [ IRQ Priority ]( " " is specific IRQ suspension number) DWORD value, and seting up its value is [ 1 ]. The IRQ suspension number as the systematic CMOS clock of real time is 8, will establish value name is [ IRQ8Priority ]. After starting again, will discover the package performance optimized just to rise. Strong suggestion uses this method optimization system CMOS real time clock. May also raise many IRQ suspension priorities, however, it is good that effect sinks , may cause system to be not steady. Will withdraw this optimization installation to eliminate , worth the registered table key established just now to delete fall can.
13, barrier debugs ware Dr. Watson: Open volume table , find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ \ SOFTWARE \ \ Microsoft \ \ Windows NT \ \ CurrentVersion \ \ AeDebug, worth string [ Auto ] the data of number value alter is [ 0 ], pressing F5 to refresh make installation come into effect , cancel its operation.
14, close the special efficacy in systematic attribute, this mentions fast effective prescription yes. Beginning control face plate system high-grade performance installation in visual effect, installing to adjust for optimum behavior determine can. Such tabletop will and win2000 is very similar, as the blue window of liking XP , may draw on the dozen " on window and button, use visual pattern".
15, manage file with Windows commadner + Winrar, the ZIP support of Win XP is also not as good as for linking chicken rib, because no matter need to not need , start system opens zip support , the system resources that is few originally has again been few to divide, beginning operation, knock into "regsvr32/u zipfldr.dll", then the confirmation of carriage return can, successful sign is to arise to refer to window: Zipfldr, the hit the mark of Dll UnrgisterServer in dll.
16, open DMA: In equipment organizer, select IDE ATA / ATAPI controllers, go to the inside of Primary / Secondary IDE Channel is high-grade to set , will have pass on pattern to set for use DMA( if feasible words) , system will open DMA help( should also want to set up first to support DMA in BIOS) voluntarily.
Save the method
1, delete systematic spare file: Beginning
2, delete driver under the catalog of % windows% driver
3 if have not seen the habit of help, the thing
4 after dozen passes patch( or upgrade), will discover that %
5 , will fictitious memory file pagefile, sys puts the other plate that coils to system: Control face plate system performance - high-grade fictitious memory change, the notice "installation" of main points can just come into effect.
6, de-installation does not use package frequently: Use search / replacement function with notebook modification %windows%\ \ inf \ \ sysoc.inf , input in seeking frame, hide, it is ", " to replace completely. Is so, have , hide has removed , storing plate run again after quiting " add - delete program " in, will see that" add / to delete Windows package " is a lot of to choose item; Delete the thing that game and yard table etc. not use.
DeleteWindows \ \ imeTake off do not need
9, close system to restore , it will occupy the greater space of hard disk, use mouse right healthy click tabletop " go up my computer ", select "attribute" , find " system reduction ", choice " close system on all driver to restore.
10, close dormancy: This function will occupy the space of hard disk of 4 or 5 100 signs. Close method: In tabletop blank place right attack according to "attribute" appearance " show attribute " window choice "screen saver" page surface according to the button " power source( O)" of right next angle appearance " power source chooses attribute " window choice "dormancy" page surface will " start using dormancy( H) " preceding hook removes , determine all the way can.
11 , move systematic and user temporary file besides system plate: On tabletop, it is right to attack " my computer" , selects "attribute" , selects in the dialog box of " systematic attribute " that sprung " high-grade " to choose card , and then clicks the button " environmental variable" , springs the dialog box " environmental variable" , selects "Temp" under" the user variable of XXX" to click the button of " editor " again, in the dialog box of " "editor" user variable " that sprung worth variable from acquiesce in " C: The user well-known /Temp of / Documents and Setting / " modify is " X: /YYY/Temp "( X: Representing you need to move the plate of the plate that arrives to be consistent , the YYY superior who represents " Temp" file) then some "definite" button return" environmental variable" dialog box, select "Tmp" again, according to above-mentioned identical method modifying its corresponding value is " X: /YYY/Temp ". According to same method modifying the following variable "Temp" " system is variable" and the value of " Tmp " is " X: /YYY/Temp ", then, all the way definite return tabletop starts machine again, the modification done can come into effect. Suggestion each separate a time to delete the file in this file.
12 , move the file of Temporary Internet Files besides system plate: Control face plate Internet chooses item routine Internet temporary file installation move file. Suggestion each separate a time to delete the file in this file.

Let the 15 that
Let the 15 that

It is every common worry of computer fan that suspicion computer starts to slow too, it will soon be the common wish of all to let computer start , me has summarized in using computer process to accelerate computer the 15 that starts speed type, share with you.

The optimization

The first page installed in bios we enter "advanced bios features" to choose item , move cursor "frist boot device" chooses item, according to " pageup " and " pagedown ", select , acquiesce in that value is " floppy", this expression starts system meeting first since in soft Qu read to take to start message , this meeting extended machine start time, reducing is short soft Qu life-span. So, we will choose "hdd-0", directly start from hard disk, so start rapid first-class some seconds of. Is other, choose "disabled" for the suggestion of " above1mbmemorytest " in bios installation, suggest to select enabled for "quickpoweronselftest".

When "advanced chipset features" the acceleration of installing for machine son in item influence is very big, ask all to add to note. Alter "bank0/1dram timing" from "8ns/10ns" to" fast" or "turbo". " turbo" but not quite stabilize quickly than "fast" , suggest to choose "fast". If memory is physique, quantity is good, may choose "turbo" to try , instability may alter to return "fast".

For the suggestion of memory bar of good memory quality

Than new mainboard, support agp4x , if you show card also support agp4x, so in "agp-4xmode" will this activation, it is "enabled" to choose , this can be just better to develop the ability that shows card , accelerates system to start speed.

2, start dma way

With the technical highest transmission speed of hard disk of udma/33, 66 and 100, it is 33mb/s , 66mb/s and 100mb/s, since theoretically is ide hard disk( here denotes the pattern of pio mode4, its transmission rate is 16.6mb/s) the 6 times of 3 province installation of transmission speed, but inside windows, is short of , dma had been prohibited to use, so, we must open it.

Specific method is: Open the window " control face plate system equipment organizer" , spread out the branch of " disk drive " , click double the icon of udma hard disk , enter " attribute install choose item ", when "dma" item " before ", then according to determine , closing have dialog box, weight starts computer can.
