
Promotion XP systematic traversal speed is wonderful to recruit

6 promotion XP systematic

Win XP becomes operating system of first selection of a lot of computer players with its magnificent operating frame and steady performance, but in the process of using Windows XP , you will discover that along with the passing of time, operating system is more and more slow on speed. The problem of how to then can make Windows XP raise traversal speed; Have become the subject that user very much cares about.銆€銆€

1, quickly

銆€銆€ The time that starts Windows XP every time , blue scroll bar metropolis does not know to go to first-class few circles tiredly, for pursuit efficient you, are you to hope very much that it can go to few circles less? Actually we complete may it roll with time decreasing, in order to quickly start speed. Method is: Open registered table editor ware , spread out the branch of HKEY _ LOCAL _ MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control Session Manager Memory Management PrefetchParameters in proper order , find EnablePrefetcher son key in the district in the window of right side, it acquiesce in value to" be "3"" modification is " 1". Then, click with mouse right key on tabletop" my computer" , select "attribute" to order , select "hardware" in the window that opens to choose card , click the button " equipment organizer". In the window of " equipment organizer ", spread out " the controller of IDE ATA / ATAP" , click double " less important IDE passageway" to choose item , select in the dialog box sprung " high-grade " to choose card , in" equipment 0" in " equipment type", alter " original automatic detection " to quit after " have no " and " determine ". " major IDE passageway" modification method is consistent. Now, do you start computer again , see that the time that your scroll bar rolls is decreasing? Pay attention: Use the friend of VIA chip mainboard must may can not modify "VIA BUS MASTER IDE CONTROLLER" to choose item.

Is other, deploy file if you have not selected the hardware that founds many differences , or hope to start the hardware disposition file that duration automatic load addition acquiesces in and not show that list is , so may will in " hardware disposition file choice " the "second" in trifle input "0" can. Press space key when needing choice will show list.銆€銆€

2, the neighbor

The neighbor on the net of Windows XP when use, system can first search for self share catalog and the planned task related to printer as well as planned task neutralization network that may be as network shared , then, just show that so, meeting directly influences the traversal speed of computer. If be unnecessary, should delete it. Specific step is as follows: In registered table editor ware, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE sofeware Microsoft Windows Explore RemoteComputer \ NameSpace of Current Version, deleting it take off { 2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE08002B30309D }( printer) and { D6277990-4C6A-11CF8D87-00AA0060F5BF }( planned task), then, start computer again, when you visit the neighbor on net again, discovery traversal speed has promoted.銆€銆€

3, accelerate

銆€銆€Close in Windows XP machine, system will always send news to operation program and long-range server, in-form them that system will be closed , and wait for to receive the system after responds to just begin barrier machine. If we will accelerate start speed, we may install first the time that finishes task voluntarily. Method is: Open registered table editor ware , spread out the branch of HKEY_CURRENT _ USER Control Panel Desktop in proper order , find AutoEndTasks son key, it is 1 to install it. The "HungAppTimeout" son key installation that takes off this branch is " 1000" , alters " WaitTOKillService ", is " 1000"( acquiesce in is 5000) can. Through so new installation, the barrier machine speed of computer may get the effect that accelerates obviously

4, the work of

銆€銆€ To satisfy the various different working environments with different adaptation and needs, the hardware that may at the same time found many differences deploies file. In the dialog box of " hardware disposition file " according to "duplication", button and spare current hardware disposition file are named again, under different working environment such operation is a time of. Enter the dialog box " hardware deploies file" , have arrowhead move disposition file, will most general set up most top, when " hardware disposition file choice " trifle goes up choose " wait for user choose hardware disposition file ", start computer again may see " hardware disposition file selects menu ". This kind of method of installing is practical for using the user of notebook computer, may found is many to apply to the hardware disposition file of different occasion, switch convenience and may raise working efficiency greatly.銆€銆€

5, mention

銆€銆€ All know , Windows XP of professional edition acquiesces in , have retained 20% of bandwidthes, actually this for our personal user have no what role. With its free time have better to still use fully, method is as follows: In " begin operation ", input gpedit.msc opens group tactful editor ware. Find " computer disposition manage shuttering network QoS data pack manages program " , select " right restriction insurable reserve bandwidth ", selecting "attribute" to open restrict , is insurable to reserve bandwidth attribute dialog box, choice " prohibit to use " can. Through so installing again, may release the bandwidth of the 20% retained.銆€銆€

6 , the extra hardware

銆€銆€ In daily work, use to pull out to insert the matter of how hardware equipment is regular, the process of such repetitive installation driver will leave many hardware registered messages in system, cause systematic speed to slow down , this clear empty these extra hardware message? First, click reconstructed button spare( Profile2) , then name again again, for instance it is Profile to alter , start computer again again , can arise right now the hint that lets you select: " 1, Profile.2, Profile13 and None of the above", "2" and the "1" of here are system in already existent hardware disposition file, we select "3" certainly, such may let Windows new detection hardware, right now, screen can arise the dialog box of " detection hardware ", and hint" needs the time of some minutes probably", the dialog box of disposition installation that appears thereafter, refer to " succeed to install the disposition of new computer, name is Profile1 " , click "definite" button , install the driver of hardware equipment again. Finally, will delete the two hardware disposition files besides Profile1 , can still inquire you when preventing start to use any hardware disposition file.
