
Love has how many regret( one)

The female friend of first love has returned from foreign countries, my the first matter is that airport takes her. The year since Gao Er we accident part afterwards, my entire Gao San is to envelop in a kind of depressed mood , it is this kind of and depressed , even still continues my college life of 4 years, though, I can not say that is for her ( or old days beautiful) think fondly of is to bury in a crux of heart base, but amount still has factor, so when such in gloom, my university only many times road rubs shoulder besides excited, only score is sumed up for 8 words, a " refusal, unrequited love a pair of ".

After graduating , I also want to try to change own life , want to try those wind traditional heart that spends snow month and befuddled time and buries under this nationality discard polite exterior , so also deliver online friend , also play ambiguity , but go to final, one every time to break the appointment , one deserts on the eve of a battle , I even begin to doubt self, can I really love a person? Can I really lead along the hand of one , go all over the face happily on avenue? I can stand happily in side , accompany her to select clothing , see her trial assembly, then do not add thinking land draw out the pack of finance an undertaking to pay , and do you see the sincere smile on her face only? I think that I am old , am tired, because at the time of parting , she has said," Ai greatest heart dies ,", so, my heart is dead from that for 7 years.

Perhaps, I have also not expected that after 7 years, dead heart can be still revived. To take her, I have applied for holiday specially , have changed the suit of one body , go to take airport bus after runing to Beijing station. Normally, going to airport go from Xidan , have so chosen route short point this time specially because of being afraid of vehicle to be late, sink think of , go through with my life in the 56 years of Beijing, seeking this station unexpectedly have also sought whole one hour. Have bought box coffee egg specially before geting on in KFC Ta, may because the time of queuing up a difference thought of , have not gone to toilet first Xu Xu fall , the time that reaches station as a result afterwards quilt the gentle mm of ticket seller inform can only take this vehicle , it is come to that so, I can only tolerate stomachache wretchedly to look at bus helplessly open. Hereafter suffering is hard well-known form. . . . ., %26*. . .Following province describes writing some , after 50. . . . ., %26*. . .Following again
