
Few recruit raising to net speed

It is restricted that a Windows XP of method joins speed
Current broadband networks Luo is going step by step into family, get extensive application, but the web page of some user of broadband networks glances over speed, upload and download speed is still unsatisfied. Actually in Windows 2000 in or XP, show through modifying registration, we may let the speed of broadband networks have considerably raising, enjoy the delight of very fast go on-line really.

Run "regedit" in order to open " registered table organizer"; Then, according to following route, find HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters. Right attack "Parameters" son key right side relative should blank place, it is "DefaultTTL" to select to" create the DWORD value " "" , name it , then, right attack mouse choice to" modify ", in the window of springing , it is "80" to modify its value( 16 enters system) or 128( decimal system).

Create again in proper order " following DWORD

" it is "EnablePMTUBHDetect""

" it is "EnablePMTUDiscovery""

" it is "GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize"" "=7FFF

" it is "TcpMaxDupAcks""

" it is "SackOpts""

" it is "Tcp1323Opts""

" it is "TcpWindowSize"" "=7FFF " or "32767"( 93440 or 186880

Then, preserve our modification , start


Pay attention: This method

Before doing these modifications, please make the spare of registered table first in order to, when being improper for your condition or when modifying mistake, recover the optimization method that at the same time introduces here since the difference of the network of every place does not guarantee to play role surely with you.

The optimization

Windows XP dials from tape PPPoE , has optimized the connection of network more completely, so, the place that we may optimize decreases greatly, according to the Microsoft official information grasped now, we may still carry out suitable own optimization for some following places to adjust.

of - > of - > determines ) in some following projects to join some following values:' >Open registered table editor ware( beginning menu operation

1, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE System Ccs Services Ndiswan Parameters Protocols \ 0 is 2 below this eye next increase the

The name of * * * *:

The type of * * * *: REG_DWORD

The key value

The name of * * * *: PPPProtocolType

The type of * * * *: REG_DWORD

The key value

Now, may increase

The name of * * * *:

The type of * * * *: REG_DWORD

The key value

The PPPoE user of ADSL installs MaxMTU normally, is

2. According to the Microsoft explanation

When some following

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Tcpip \ Parameters

SackOpts=00000001( two byte DWORD

Tcp1323Opts=00000001( two byte DWORD

DefaultTTL=00000040( two byte DWORD

EnablePMTUBHDetect=00000000( two byte DWORD

EnablePMTUDiscovery=00000001( two byte DWORD

GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize=0003ebc0( two byte DWORD


, with ADSL Modem, receiving the problem cared about into the user of internet most is network speed. All mention speed( as modification registered table) with various means for ADSL Modem, effect is surely some , but is often not especially ideal. The author when this introduces more a kind of comparison to all effective mention fast method( this method applies to Windows XP/2003).

As the equipment of ADSL Modem, is linked with net card , is direct the way that is linked with USB interface is unstable, now already few to have adopted. First, store in the machine wanted to guarantee you above 256 MB, because using this method needs to store in, open up a buffering area, is used to raise the visit of user speed, if your memory has little error, can influence systematic operation on the contrary.
