
When restoration network joins , arises DNS to store slowly the problem that not cleared away

1 meets this kind of condition, the most simple means that we can adopt are to refresh DNS, also in delete DNS analysis ware to postpone store entry. Click" begins " -" to run ", is "-" to input cmd and click" determines ", when order hint is consistent , in window, inputs: Ipconfig/flushdns
2 if do not be all right above, when in system service

The attack according to the network scissors hand arp deceptions such as the network officer network secret service personnel of enforce the law in, may restore operation with net card clear away arp to store slowly in, may order with cmd arp - d order
A good method is to write
VBS Set Oshell=CreateObject( "wscript.shell")
VBS Oshell, " run cmd/c arp-d ", vbHide
VBS Set Oshell=Nothing
VBS End Sub
This one is each separate 1 seconds

Through the message that IPConfig offers , may determine existence in the problem on some dispositions in the attribute of TCP / IP. For instance use "IPConfig/all" may get the detailed disposition message of host computer , in which, include IP address and son net to cover yard and acquiesce in the messages such as gateway and DNS server.
