
WIN2000 system is optimized

WIN2000 system

1. Cancel systematic
Open Boot, ini file, modification [ operating
[ operating systems
Multi( 0) disk( 0) rdisk( 0) partition( 1) " Microsoft Windows2000Professional of \ WINDOWS=" /fastdetect/NoSerialMice
So start will not detection

2. Optimize
It is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System
In ControlSet Control FileSystem, increase value ConfigFileAllocSize recently, dword type, it is 000001f4(

3. Optimize
After system installation can acquiesce in installation to apply program not afterwards service way use memory, this kind of way has been optimum, we come mainly to optimize to install the size of fictitious memory. Method is: It is right to attack " my computer" , selects " attribute / high-grade / performance chooses / change " , installs biggest value and the initial value of fictitious memory, it is the 2.5 times of your memory to put initial value , it is biggest to worth the biggest size of seting up that you need ( can not exceed hard disk certainly may use space). In fictitious, storing is , is Pagefile with name, the exchange file of sys is preserved on hard disk, Pagefile, Win386s of Win98 and sys and swp have identical nature , should keep this exchange file on the most rapid hard disk. Additionally, it is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Current-
=128, return may carry out 2 following optimizations:' >In ControlSet Control Session Manager \ Memory Management, put ClearPageFileAtShutdown=1 , may also raise performance.
Is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Current-
In ControlSet Control Session Manager / Memory Management, put DisablePagingExecutive=1, expression the file that system is runing has been forced to remain store in in not because transfer to fictitious memory, so, may raise program traversal speed.
Is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ Current-
In ControlSet Control Session Manager / Memory Management, put LargeSystemCache=1 , express leting Win2000 postpone with its system to store( like Vcache in Win9X), this can make the input / export performance of magnetic disc have great raising.

4. Accelerating
In " I computer / attribute / high-grade / starts with fault recovery ", choice system starts operating system that acquiesces in , such as "Microsoft Windows2000Professional \ fastdetec", do not choose " show operating list " , is so , is under the condition that has many operating systems , will not show when starting that many systematic lists lets you select directly starting Win2000. A kind of method can also realize this function , opens C: \ Boot, ini file, altering the value of Timeout the time that needs for you as 0 can( in which put Timeout=-1, start menu will become suspension state after, only press Enter, can just continue ).

If you are not the keeper of network system, , may remove completely " on will incident writes in systematic journal " and " send management alarm", and set up " write in debug message " to " have no " , can so also mention speed.

When system starts , realizing register voluntarily, can also
SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
In Winlogon puting AutoAdminLogon

Windows clan in, only system collapse will arise notorious blue screen to halt , after starting again, want detection hard disk , is very troublesome and time-consuming. May let system start voluntarily again after collapsing in Win2000, method is: In " I computer / attribute / high-grade / starts with fault recovery ", in draw to choose system failure " start voluntarily again ", then, click is confirmed.

For the program that stops response , not need handwork intervention , let system close voluntarily, method is: Open registered table editor ware, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel desktop, it is 1 to install value AutoEndTasks.
If you have activity , hard disk need to often pack hard disk, is necessary to generate two above hardware disposition files on different machine. Select " my computer / attribute / hardware / hardware disposition file", according to "duplication" Niu, in the dialog box sprung , the reconstructed file given current disposition file is named. Have generated second hardware disposition file , will show again when starting that hardware deploies file to select list , refers to you to select corresponding disposition file. Show hardware list if not think , may use first in my computer / attribute / hardware / hardware disposition file " " and " " button moves the disposition of needs to most go to trip, then, it is 0 seconds to alter wait user time , so when starting , will not show hardware list select to be located in to most go up the disposition of trip voluntarily file.

5. Safe journal
Safe journal already full, Win2000 will stop response show that" verify failure" news, if recover it, must clear away safe journal. Method is: Start again, use keeper composition Yuan registration, click " begin / installation / control the / management tool / incident check ware of face plate ", it is right to attack " safe journal" , chooses "attribute" , clicks in springing window " rewrite for a long time in n Tian incident " or does not rewrite incident( by hand clears away journal), then, open registered table editor ware , is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \
In CurrentControlSet Control Lsa, it is 1 to put value crashonauditfail,

6. Optimize
Choice" the minimum management of power source" scheme comes to save news can, in " install the / control / power source of face plate choose / power source use scheme ", select the scheme " the minimum management of power source", after " the kind of one point " close display , after " 3 minutes " close hard disk and systematic dormancy to choose " never ". So so long as you exceed 1 minutes to not use keyboard and mouse, system will be automatic to close display and hard disk so as save news can, only a button plate or mouse, system again recovers original state.

In " control the / power source of face plate choose the / high-grade management of power source " in, choose " start using the high-grade management support of power source ", save with this news can; In " control the / power source of face plate choose / dormancy ", start using " dormancy support", so, may preserve the message in current memory on hard disk , then close power source. When opening mains switch, system not recovers original state with 1 minutes; In " control the / power source of face plate choose item / high-grade ", put " in press the computer button of power source " to " close power source", " in press computer dormancy button " set up , is " dormancy", so press the Power key on keyboard only will close machine, according to Sleep key will dormancy.

When closing Win2000, will show that " now may close safely machine " do not close ATX power source voluntarily. May realize with next method to close ATX power source voluntarily: Select " install the / control / power source of face plate choose the / high-grade management of power source ", if your machine support the high-grade management function of power source in, choose " start using the high-grade management support of power source ", then, it is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \
SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion
In \ Winlogon, it is 1 to put PowerdownAfterShutdown; If your machine does not support the high-grade management of power source, very unfortunately, can only show when closing system that " now may close safely machine " wait for that you cut off power source.

7. Tabletop and
About file, system acquiesces in use WEB view, the left side has message fence , shows the file message of choice, if be picture , will show the sketch map of picture. This window is gorgeous but is stored in cost between again time-consuming, open it can reduce systematic performance. The method of closing is to open " I computer / tool / file chooses item ", in" WEB view", select " use the file of Windows traditional style ".

When control face plate in " show / effect " alter visual effect for " roll effect "; Do not also install wall paper, because of wall paper can occupy plenty of memories, when increase starts , uses picture time, may C: My documents My Pictures and C: \ Windows and C: Windows Web \ Wallpaper has bmp file( these bmp files the wall paper in system) under catalog to use Winzip , pack to reduce spare , then, delete these bmp files, needs wall paper uses Winzip reduction again can; As not urgent needs, do not also install screen to protect way;

Your perhaps repugnant Win2000 begins the effect " fade in to fade out " of menu, may select in " begin / installation / taskbar and beginning menu / high-grade " " roll program menu ", then, click right key , choose " attribute / effect", it is " roll effect " to alter " fade in to fade out effect "; To quickly begin the response speed of menu, in HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel Desktop, it is 0 to put value MenuShowDelay; When system enters tabletop, meeting shows the arrowhead " click here to begin " on the button of " beginning " , is very annoying. Only going , it is also easy very much , is in HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \

CurrentVersion Policies Explorer in put value NoStartBanner enter the
Remove the taskbar icon of left side:
Remove taskbar in start fence fast: Mouse

8. Optimize
Win2000 allows network adapter to use a kind of above agreement, our adapter of last Internet should be installed the agreement of TCP / IP only. To inspect every adapter removing do not need agreement, so, may raise network to join speed. For service is also so, the service that choice starts using only is used in internet only such as Link3 connection, so, choose the two services of the other and agreement of TCP / IP only to do not need to choose.
Return may carry out following optimization: It is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE
In Services Tcpip Parameters, press

9. Alleviation
Delete beginning in the program / of menu starts have project, then
RunOnceEx, RunServices, RunServicesOnce, RunOnce and son Run of Windows \ CurrentVersion( oneness since start function and expression to run once only) take off delete all application program listed , retain SysTray only, Exe program so guarantees to start SysTray only, Exe a program, alleviation starts task and acceleration to start process. Is other, if when "Run" son is ( this son item establishes when being installation application software normally, pay attention: Can not delete OptionalComponents son item), should also have this son in item value deletes or deletes without hesitation this son , can also cancel Windows also to start is from the program that starts. Stop the service that not needs , also canceling Win2000 see following Sub_clause 17 when starting from the details and program that starts.

10. Clear away
Install a software in, registered table want correspondingly Mian right seem Sui 5 than Ya spring boundary Xi the boundary of white silk Ya Xuan raise to thank Jiao Song scar Ya? In delete program " install on the contrary for it, the registered message of some softwares is still denied in registered table , forms plenty of rubbishes for a long time in registered table. And registered table will be adjusted when starting into memory, its huge head will take memory and is time-consuming, so, need to clear away them thoroughly. Clear away method:

Clear away the related
It is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \
Windows CurrentVersion Uninstall in, the son who
Clear away have
These rubbish files are concentrated
Software and HKEY_CURRENT_USER SoftwareHe HKEY_USERS, in Default \ Software, this some of contents are basically consistent, when is in which a to make search, then delete can. General method is in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE branch of \ Software, search those have uninstalled software remain message, delete then.

Sometimes for convenience, we may also

11. It is
The method of registered table diet is reconstruction registered table: First under Win2000, use regedit derivation entire registered table( notice: Will ensure derivation completely registered table instead of a branch), it is C to store it: \ li, reg; Then, use DOS7, 0 starts again , carries into cache program Smartdrv of magnetic disc in order to quickly handle speed, then, press REGEDIT of the order operation DOS edition of surface: C: Windows regedit/c li.reg( parameter / c expression generates entire registered table from behind again in designated file). The registered table file meeting after reconstruction has reached diet purpose around than originally little 25% - 30%.

12. Delete extra keyboard
Enter HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet
Control \ Keyboard Layouts has the keyboard layout son of various language beneath, reply in" control face plate" " keyboard layout / input law", may directly delete do not the keyboard layout of term speech and do not use input way; It is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ control \
In Nls \ Locale, it is " regional installation"

13. Delete extra
There are plenty of DLL files under System32 catalog and System of Win2000, is shared by system or application software. Since often installing and uninstalling software, can leave some DLL rubbish files in these catalogs, they not only occupy the space of hard disk , and still reduce systematic traversal speed. May delete according to following method: It is in HKEY_LOCAL_ MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows
In CurrentVersion SharedDLLs, deposit has the DLL route message that software shares , every item of DLL file value shows it is already shared by some application softwares. If this software value that had been uninstalled is 0, explain that not any software shares quilt , may delete , then, delete corresponding DLL file again.

14. Clear away to
In HKEY_CURRENT_USER Control Panel Appearance \ Schemes, have system from tape various match colors scheme, reply to show when in" control face plate" window " show / attribute / appearance / window match colors scheme " take off pull list, will do not need match colors scheme deletes , general reservation " Windows acquiesces in " a can.

Use Winzip C: \ Windows takes off with C: Windows has screen protective file( suffix is , the file of scr) under System32 to pack , reduce a file to make spare. Then, delete these screen protective files completely , and then click mouse right key, choose menu " attribute / screen saver", when screen saver chooses fence have no screen protective file may choose. If really, needing screen saver, before deleting more, retain some screen protective files only.

15. Delete the HELP
Use Winzip first C: Windows Fonts entire catalog packs to reduce a spare file , then in C:

For use Win2000 already very skilled user, may delete HELP file. Use Winzip first C: Windows Help entire catalog packs to reduce a spare file , then in C: In Windows Help, deleting have , hlp and, chm file, spread out compressed file when needing afterwards can.

16. Put in
Win2000 uses time a length , will accumulate the temporary files such as numerous tmp, bak, log, old and txt , concentrates in C: Windows temp and C: Your documents and Settings user well-known Local Settings Temp and C: In your documents and Settings user well-known Local Settings Temporary Internet Files( IE temporary file directory), may delete the file in these catalogs completely in order to raise systematic performance.

17. Move incident
The incident record of Win2000 meeting time record incident campaign condition. The location of record file is in C: In Windows System32 \ Config, if preserving it in another hard disk or zone, can alleviate the burden of systematic place hard disk or zone , reach optimization purpose. Method is in following branch:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Eventlog \
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Eventlog \ Application
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ Eventlog
It is the another catalog in hard disk or zone to alter the route of value Flie , for example: D: Config

18. Remove POSIX
If have no equipment to use IEEE interface , may remove POSIX support completely
OS2.exe OS2.lll
OS2SS.exe OS2SS.lll

2, optimize

1. Optimization CMOS
When opening machine power source, first, it is to start stage, right now, systematic meeting is stored in detection , the hardware equipments such as IDE hard disk. To quickly start , we may enter CMOS installation to optimize CMOS parameter: Closing do not need hardware and unnecessary detection, every Cache opens etc., after having modified completely, preserve and quit CMOS installation. Please according to following method install in CMOS:

2. Optimize
If use CD driver, may

1 ), optimization
System \ CurrentControlSet \ Control
In FileSystem \ CDFS, increase value Prefetch and dword type recently , show installation as right table to optimize value. If installing afterwards, CDROM work is not normal , reduces a rank installation.

2 ) according to your
It is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet
In Control FileSystem CDFS, installation is to worth CacheSize
0000026b( acquiesce
000004d6( moderate)
000009ac( biggest)
3. Optimization
It is in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ System \ CurrentControlSet
In Services Class fdc \ 0000, it is 1 to increase value ForceFIFO(
